Aušra Sports Club
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Aušra Sports Club

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JANUARY 10, 2025

The 12th World Lithuanian Sports Games will be held this summer (July 3-6) in Palanga, Lithuania, and we look forward to sending a sizeable Team Canada ?? delegation once again. Currently, 29 sports disciplines are being offered, so there is something for everyone!

Discussions with the organizing committee in Lithuania are ongoing, and the Canadian delegation organizing committee (led by Kanados Sporto Apygarda) is working earnestly to coordinate Canadian participation. We want to gather information from those considering participating in the Games.

If you are interested and would like more information, please complete the preliminary registration link below. If you know someone interested in participating, please forward them the link.

** Team Canada ?? Preliminary Registration link **

The organizers in Lithuania would like Canadians to register via Team Canada, so please use this form as opposed to the link from Lithuania.

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JANUARY 6, 2025

Toronto Aušra Sports Club is celebrating its 70th anniversary!

When: Sunday, February 9th, 2025
Where: Resurrection Parish, 1 Resurrection Road, Toronto

The event will kick off with a Holy Mass followed by a variety of activities including chess, board games, and colouring. There will also be friendly competition games hosted by the basketball, table tennis, and volleyball teams. In addition, we will have cash food and refreshments as well as cake and pastries for everyone to enjoy. If you're feeling lucky we'll be hosting a 50/50 lottery, along with a silent auction filled with lots of fantastic prizes!

Event Program:

  • Holy Mass at 11am
  • Coffee, lunch, cake, & light refreshments
  • Friendly table tennis, volleyball, & basketball games
  • Chess, board games, & colouring
  • 50/50 raffle & silent auction

We invite everyone to participate!

Additionally, we kindly ask for contributions to the event's silent auction. If you are able to donate a prize of any size, please bring it to Resurrection Parish, marked "Aušra 70", or contact us via email at

We are looking forward to celebrating 70 years of sports, camaraderie, and memories with all of you. See you there!

Aušra Sports Club


Aušra Sports Club was formed in 1955 as the sporting arm of the Resurrection Parish in Toronto. The Club was organized to bring the Lithuanian community together by providing a quality sport activity experience for children and adults. Athletes who have learned and played with Aušra have gone to university and college basketball and several have gone to play professionally in the NBA and Europe.

Based in Toronto's west end, Aušra competes in local house leagues and international tournaments hosted by similar organizations in the US and Europe.

The club also holds weekly training and recreational practices in basketball, table tennis and volleyball. Additional sports are considered upon demand. New members are always welcome to join the club - kids ages 5 to 17, adults, and veterans too!


Sporto klubas "Aušra" buvo įkurtas 1955 metais kaip neatskiriama Prisikėlimo parapijos dalis skatinanti ir apjungianti sporto mėgėjus. Klubo tikslas – suteikti lietuvių kilmės jaunimui ir suaugusiems galimybę sportuoti, varžytis tarpusavyje ir su kitais sporto klubais, puoselėti lietuviškas tradicijas ir bendruomeniškumą. Daugelis sportininkų, besitreniravusių ir žaidusių "Aušroje", vėliau tęsė savo sportines karjeras universitetuose ir kolegijose, o kai kurie netgi profesionaliai žaidė NBA ir Europos krepšinio klubuose.

"Aušros" klubas yra įsikūręs Toronte, Kanadoje. Klubas siūlo įvairias sporto veiklas, tokias kaip krepšinis, stalo tenisas ir tinklinis. Treniruotės vyksta kiekvieną savaitę. Mes suteikiame galimybę tobulėti tiek pradedantiesiems, tiek pažengusiems sportininkams. Be to, klubas aktyviai dalyvauja vietiniuose ir tarptautiniuose krepšinio bei stalo teniso turnyruose (ŠALFASS turnyras, Pasaulio Lietuvių Sporto Žaidynės), kuriuos organizuoja sporto organizacijos Šiaurės Amerikoje ir Europoje. Mes skatiname dalyvavimą juose, o taip pat puoselėjame tarptautinį bendradarbiavimą ir sportinę draugystę.

"Aušra" yra atvira naujoms sporto šakoms ir visuomet mielai laukia naujų narių. Kviečiame prisijungti vaikus nuo 5 iki 17 metų, suaugusiuosius bei veteranus, norinčius tapti mūsų bendruomenės dalimi ir dalyvauti įvairiose sporto veiklose. Mūsų kvalifikuoti sporto treneriai padės ugdyti jūsų sporto įgūdžius ir jaustis lietuvių bendruomenės dalimi. Klubas ne tik skatina fizinį aktyvumą, bet ir ugdo komandinio darbo įgūdžius bei draugišką atmosferą, kuri padeda kurti stiprią ir vieningą lietuvių bendruomenę Toronte.


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Executive Committee

President - Graeme Dymond

Vice President, Sports - Aras Ruslys

Vice President, Fundraising - Edis Obeliūnas

Treasurer - Larissa Stončius

Secretary - Melinda Stončius

Other Board Members

Eugenius Krikščiūnas

Ona Mills-Stanevičius

Dainius Šaudys

Victoria Tatarsky